Club Foundation Support Enrollments... Do They Work?
An article based on a recent enrollment for foundation support by the Rotary Club of La Crosse:
Nine years ago the Rotary Club of La Crosse determined to do an every member enrollment for foundation support….an ask! The club had been including an assessment in the dues statement of every member that amounted to $15 dollars a year in support of the Rotary Foundation. With the enrollment, per capital giving rose to something in excess of $60…a four fold increase.
During this past May and early June the Foundation Committee for the Rotary Club of La Crosse, as a part of the bi-annual enrollment of its members, made a case for the support of the Rotary International Foundation, our local Rotary Works Foundation and for the Polio Eradication Fund with the following results:
Per Contributing Member
Rotary International Foundation $15,856.50 $100.36
Rotary Works Foundation $21,477.50 $135.93
Polio Eradication Fund $ 8,803.00 $ 62.04
Total Support $46,137.00 $292.00
This represents an 8.7% increase in support over the previous enrollment. These numbers are the front end of a bigger story. World peace begins with the key elements of social justice, adequate housing, clean water, good food, health-care, and education opportunities. That is the work of the Rotary Foundation. Our support of the Polio Eradication Fund will provide 17,600 children with the polio vaccine that will impact their lives forever. The Rotary Works Foundation, supported by the nine area Rotary Clubs of our area, will continue to impact quality of life issues in our communities.
Does every member participate…no but every member is asked and in the case of the Rotary Club of La Crosse, 97% were able to make a contribution. The pledges are billed on a quarterly basis and sent to the respective foundations.
Bear in mind that the total support represents a nearly five fold increase in giving since 2005. Do enrollments of members work? I leave it to you to decide.
Dean Dickinson PDG
Area Foundation Coordinator
Rotary International Foundation
The Rotary Foundation Multiple Donor Form (094-EN): This form allows your club secretary or treasurer to send in one check yet designate contributions made by various club members. Remember to select Annual Funds Contribution check box for all general contributions to The Rotary Foundation. Send a second form for designated donations to Polio Plus.
Remember that all donations should be mailed at least quarterly, in September, December, March, and June in order to be accurately credited to The Rotary Foundation according to the wishes of your donor members. Monthly contributions are preferred.
The Rotary Foundation Global Contribution Form (123-EN): This form allows individuals or your club secretary or treasurer to mail in a single contribution for an individual. Remember to select Annual Funds Contribution check box for all general contributions to The Rotary Foundation. This form can also be used to mail in contributions to Polio Plus. Both donations to the Annual Programs Fund and Polio Plus count toward accumulation of Paul Harris credit. Polio Plus donations do not count toward our SHARE District Designated Fund contribution.