Club Locator App (Rotary International)
Download the Rotary Club Locator app for free!
Find Rotary clubs worldwide with our free Rotary Club Locator app. You can search for clubs by keyword, country, state or province, district, and even meeting day. Or simply use the “Near me” feature to find clubs close to your current location.
Note that when you search for nearby clubs, the map won’t display e-clubs. Use a keyword search to find information on e-clubs.
- Display a club’s location on a map
- Search for clubs by keyword
- Search for clubs within 1 to 100 miles of your physical location
- Save your search results
- Add a club to your contact list
- View club officer information (available only to Rotarians and Rotaractors)
Update Club Data
Make sure people can find your club! If Rotary doesn’t have your club’s current location, ask a club officer to update it, either by entering the information online or by sending it to