Wow, we have some great news for membership again this month! Our District membership remains strong at 2,280 members, remaining +14 members since the start of this Rotary year on July 1, 2024. We are 100% stable from statistics in November. Clubs, keep up your great work!
I continue to look for Membership Committee members as we gear up to start Membership Olympics in the District in January. If you have an hour or two to spare a month, please contact me at as soon as possible!
We are excited when new members come on board. And, this always comes with a significant question for our clubs, how do we get our members engaged and keep them active and engaged? The Rotary International Membership Minute in June, 2024 suggested some amazing tips that we should all consider:
4 ways to get new members engaged quickly

When you help new members feel valued and connected to a club from the beginning, they’re more likely to stay and be part of the club’s growth. Here are four ways you can keep new members engaged:

1. Introduce newcomers to the rest of the club using the club’s website, newsletter, or email. You can also highlight new members at meetings or service activities (ask them first!) or organize small get-to-know-you sessions. Encourage current members to make them feel welcome.

2. Learn about new members. The member interest survey will help you understand their background, interests, and what they’re most excited to do with the club. Be ready to recommend Rotary activities that match their interests.

3. Pair new members with mentors who can help them feel comfortable and welcomed. Mentors can teach new members about the club and its activities, answer questions about Rotary, and suggest ways they can get involved. A mentor can also introduce them to members who share their interests.

4. Create an inclusive club experience for everyone by considering how different members are able or prefer to engage. Do people use captioning apps, need an accessible website, or want translations? Learn what your members need and make it easy for them to participate.

Incorporating these strategies in your orientation process will help new members feel welcome, supported, and valued. Doing this can lead to long-term growth and success for your club.