Spring is in the air. In the minds and hearts of District 6250 Rotarians, Spring is welcome and awaited to a degree shared by few others in the (Rotary) world. Few live at our latitude.
We’re invited, in April, to consider another sort of awaiting, and turn our attention to maternal and child health. Rotarians around the district have been blessed with, and are anticipating the arrival of, beautiful babies. Several our little ones have required vital resources; miracles of science and benefits of birth in this land of plenty. Parents have looked on in wonder and hope as their babes, sized to a cradle perfectly in a single hand, have shown tenacity and courage. | |
It's a Boy! Asleep in the meeting, little Sawyer with his RAHtarian mom, Laura | It's a Girl! Mayville President Mike's family grew this year! |
We join our Rotarian moms and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers, in the happy overwhelm of new, anticipated life. And as Rotarians, we turn our attention to our neighbors. How do our regional and global neighbors fare in this fundamental human experience of welcoming tender, new life? There is work to be done. And as a percentage of our total global granting, we don’t do a lot of it. We aren’t alone. Progress has been slow toward the accomplishment of goals set by the United Nations and World Health Organization. You can explore more here www.countdown2030.org. | |
You might find these three graphs interesting and maybe even engaging. I’m hoping they paint a clear outline of the issue and the need in a quick glance. The first lists events along the continuum of care that results in healthy mothers, babies, children. You can easily imagine the gaps that exist for lack of resources or upsets to systems. | |
The second gives you a quick view of global inequities. The three interventions, part of the continuum of care, are: 1) four antenatal care visits, 2) institutional delivery, and 3) postnatal care for mother or baby within two days of delivery | |
The third is shared as a compassionate reminder of what stress Wisconsin mothers experience in the maternal journey and disparities in the experience. | |
No article is complete without a mention of the significant work of Rotary Club of La Crosse in early childhood development. The club provides every new family with the Brain Game, support for brain development from birth to three. Please visit their website to learn more https//thebraingame.org. If you or your club are interested in changing the world for mothers and babies, please don’t hesitate. Explore with partners and take action. I hope you enjoy the rest of this April Dispatch. Please note especially our service, at the international and district levels, to Ukraine in these critical days. Our district efforts invite your gifts. The first $5,000 will be matched by a 6250 Rotarian. Long Live Rotary. District Governor Karen |