I have some great news to report for District 6250 Membership as of the end of August! We are currently sitting at 2,267 members, a net +1 for our Rotary year to date (as of July 1). Let’s keep up the good work and keep our membership growth ahead of the curve.
Graphic Source: https://www.rotaryharipad.org/membership-in-rotary/
There are certainly numerous ways that membership can thrive and grow in a club. One popular method is through the use of a member survey! RI would love to see each club conduct an annual survey of the club’s membership, helping to determine if the club appears to be heading in the right direction, are there interests that club members may have that haven’t been tapped into, or could a satellite club be started to increase membership via meetings at a different time or electronically!
Here is a member interest survey that RI has put together: file:///C:/Users/maugsburger/Downloads/801A-member-interest-survey-en.pdf. Of course, this survey could be altered in content and length for a club’s best use.
This is just a starter idea, in subsequent months I’ll provide additional ideas to help both strengthen, retain and attract new members.
In the spirit of Rotary,
Marc Augsburger
District 6250 Membership Chair/
Assistant Governor